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Minister: Behind-the-meter storage eligible for Spanish grid capacity mechanism
There was only one policy announcement of note, in the face of numerous industry demands, at Spain's third Green Hydrogen and Storage Summit, organized by the Spanish Solar Photovoltaic Association (UNEF) in Madrid this week.
Feb 13, 2025

Cyprus introduces energy storage subsidy scheme
Cyprus’ Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry has launched a subsidy scheme for energy storage systems that can be added alongside existing renewable energy plants. Eligible renewable power plants should be remunerated either by feed-in tariffs (FiTs) or net billing systems.

A fork in the road for energy storage
Faster-than-expected price falls and global oversupply of batteries will go up against a rising tide of global protectionism this year. So how will it all shape up for the energy storage industry? Storage industry thought leader and UN adviser Marek Kubik considers the key issues.
Feb 10, 2025

Tesla to build battery ‘re-manufacturing’ facility in Western Australia
The electric vehicle (EV) and energy storage brand will expand its presence in Australia with a “re-manufacturing” facility at Collie, in Western Australia’s (WA) southwest, to service its grid-scale and residential battery energy storage products.

Energy storage among tax-exempt proposals in Bangladesh
Bangladesh’s government has proposed exempting renewable energy equipment, including energy storage systems, from import duties and value-added tax (VAT) under its draft Renewable Energy Policy 2025. If approved, the provisions would take effect upon publication in the country's official gazette.
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German state Schleswig-Holstein promotes commercial energy storage
Small and medium-sized companies can apply for financial support for storage systems. Electricity storage facilities must obtain at least 75% of their annual energy from a directly connected renewable energy plant to be eligible for a grant.

Imported LFP battery cells from China could be cheaper than US-made products even after tariff hikes
While all lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery cell supplies to the US currently come exclusively from China, local players are ramping up to start supplying the market from 2026 onwards. Different outcomes are on the table depending on the tariffs applied.

Global energy storage market: H1 2024 installation figures
Policy mandates in China have driven the global energy storage market in the first half of 2024 to new highs, backed by the rapid growth in the US market. Meanwhile, Europe posted mixed results. Robin Song, InfoLink Consulting’s energy storage analyst, breaks down the figures.

US power grid adds 4.2 GW of battery storage in H1 2024
Battery storage accounted for the second largest share of newly operating generating capacity in the United States during the first half of 2024. If all planned additions come online, this year could see a record amount of battery storage capacity added to the grid amounting to 15 GW.