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Amber’s Australian battery automation technology heads to the UK
In its first foray outside of Australia, the energy retailer and technology company will offer its battery and electric vehicle (EV) automation software to households and businesses in the United Kingdom via a partnership with E.ON Next, part of the German energy group E.ON.
SolarLeaf ‘panel-level storage’ can be rolled out on commercial rooftops even easier
Energy Toolbase's energy management system and monitoring software has been configured for use with Yotta Energy's SolarLeaf product, which provides solar energy storage without increasing the footprint of a solar array.
Fraunhofer IEE develops simulation tools for hybrid storage systems design
The researchers have created a degradation model that experts can use to determine battery aging in hybrid systems made up of lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors. This makes it possible to determine whether it makes sense to combine the two technologies in individual cases. The tools should also help with the design of a hybrid system.
All Software news
Amber’s Australian battery automation technology heads to the UK
In its first foray outside of Australia, the energy retailer and technology company will offer its battery and electric vehicle (EV) automation software to households and businesses in the United Kingdom via a partnership with E.ON Next, part of the German energy group E.ON.
SolarLeaf ‘panel-level storage’ can be rolled out on commercial rooftops even easier
Energy Toolbase's energy management system and monitoring software has been configured for use with Yotta Energy's SolarLeaf product, which provides solar energy storage without increasing the footprint of a solar array.
Fraunhofer IEE develops simulation tools for hybrid storage systems design
The researchers have created a degradation model that experts can use to determine battery aging in hybrid systems made up of lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors. This makes it possible to determine whether it makes sense to combine the two technologies in individual cases. The tools should also help with the design of a hybrid system.