Energy storage element to PV and solar thermal grants in Italy’s Friuli-Venezia Giulia

The $2.5 million available from the regional government and the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) can finance storage units twinned with PV and solar thermal generation at businesses.
Image: David Lehoczki

Businesses in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region of Italy can secure grants to help with the cost of installing energy storage systems as long as they are twinned with photovoltaic or solar thermal generation systems.

The regional government has made available €2.4 million ($2.5 million) for grants to small-to-medium sized business in the Alta Carnia; Dolomiti Friulane; Val Canale – Canal del Ferro; and Valli del Torre – Valli del Natisone areas.

The grants, jointly financed by the European Union’s ERDF, will be available to businesses in the manufacturing, construction, trade, accommodation and catering, transport and warehousing, rental, travel agency, business support, sports, entertainment and leisure, and other service-sector segments.

To be eligible for support, the PV or solar thermal systems must be installed for self-consumption and have a generation capacity of no more than 1 MW. The systems must cost at least €20,000 and the support available to each business cannot exceed €300,000.

Multiple applications can be made by companies wanting to install systems in more than one of the locations specified but with a maximum of one application per area. Advance payment of up to 70% of the value of the grants can be requested.

Applications for the cash, made available under Friuli-Venezia Giulia’s 2021-27 operational program, must be made via the IOL – Application online submission system by 4 p.m. on Jan. 27, 2025.

From pv magazine Italia.

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