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Cyprus introduces energy storage subsidy scheme
Cyprus’ Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry has launched a subsidy scheme for energy storage systems that can be added alongside existing renewable energy plants. Eligible renewable power plants should be remunerated either by feed-in tariffs (FiTs) or net billing systems.

A fork in the road for energy storage
Faster-than-expected price falls and global oversupply of batteries will go up against a rising tide of global protectionism this year. So how will it all shape up for the energy storage industry? Storage industry thought leader and UN adviser Marek Kubik considers the key issues.
Feb 10, 2025

All Tenders news

Bulgaria’s battery storage market gears up
Bulgaria has installed between 40 MWh and 50 MWh battery energy storage capacity to date. However, a new national legislation as well as funds provided through the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility could see the country install another 1 GWh over the next two years.

Global energy storage fleet to surpass 1 TW/3 TWh by 2033, WoodMac says
According to the latest forecast from Wood Mackenzie, the global energy storage market (excluding pumped hydro) is on track to reach 159 GW/358 GWh by the end of 2024 and grow by more than 600% by 2033, with nearly 1 TW of new capacity expected to come online.

Battery storage deployment in Canada kicks into gear
The deployment of battery energy storage systems (BESS) in Canada is picking up the pace, with the announcement of a 705 MWh battery storage system delivery to Nova Scotia by Canadian Solar's e-STORAGE and various other projects in provinces across the country. However, this surge cannot come quickly enough says Energy Storage Canada.

Interview with Trina Storage: We expect consolidation in the coming years
In a recent interview with pv magazine Italia, Gabriele Buccini, head of utility storage at Trina Solar, talked about the company's vertical integration and its forecasts for the storage market. “There is enough capacity available to drive prices down in 2024 in an anomalous way,” Buccini said when talking about global battery energy storage production levels.

Western Australia’s capacity tender seeks 2 GWh of energy storage
The ball is rolling on the Australian government’s pending Capacity Investment Scheme Tender 2 focussing on the Western Australian Wholesale Electricity Market and which seeks an indicative target of 500 MW of four-hour equivalent dispatchable capacity, or 2,000 MWh.

India: SECI launches 1 GW/2 GWh battery storage tender, Serentica seeks partners for 800 MWh standalone battery projects
Solar Energy Corp. of India (SECI) has started accepting proposals to set up 1 GW/2 GWh of standalone battery energy storage systems (BESS) connected to India’s interstate transmission system (ISTS). Bidding closes on August. 5. Meanwhile, Serentica is seeking technical partners worldwide to set up interstate transmission system-connected battery energy storage systems to supply 800 MWh of battery capacity to Serentica’s round-the-clock green energy projects.

Bulgaria initiates consultations on 3 GWh standalone energy storage tender
The Bulgarian Ministry of Energy is readying to launch a tender on September 2 and provide CAPEX support for the construction and commissioning of 3 GWh of standalone energy storage facilities. The public call is for projects equal to or greater than 10 MW with at least two hours of storage capacity, which will be primarily used in the frequency regulation markets.