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Minister: Behind-the-meter storage eligible for Spanish grid capacity mechanism
There was only one policy announcement of note, in the face of numerous industry demands, at Spain's third Green Hydrogen and Storage Summit, organized by the Spanish Solar Photovoltaic Association (UNEF) in Madrid this week.

A fork in the road for energy storage
Faster-than-expected price falls and global oversupply of batteries will go up against a rising tide of global protectionism this year. So how will it all shape up for the energy storage industry? Storage industry thought leader and UN adviser Marek Kubik considers the key issues.
Feb 10, 2025

German court rules Senec dealer must refund cost of reduced-capacity home battery
Judges at Bielefeld Regional Court ruled the maximum 70% operating capacity of the home battery – while replacement lithium ferro-phosphate (LFP) cells are awaited – is a material defect. Senec is appealing against the ruling.
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Desay Battery, Victory Giant Technology partner on China’s largest user-side energy storage project
The project, located in Victory Giant Technology Industrial Park in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, is designed to have a capacity of 121MW / 630MWh, making it the largest commercial and industrial (C&I) energy storage station in China.

Global energy storage fleet to surpass 1 TW/3 TWh by 2033, WoodMac says
According to the latest forecast from Wood Mackenzie, the global energy storage market (excluding pumped hydro) is on track to reach 159 GW/358 GWh by the end of 2024 and grow by more than 600% by 2033, with nearly 1 TW of new capacity expected to come online.

In Conversation: How cheap can battery storage get?
Rapidly declining battery energy storage prices are on everyone’s lips, but rare are the ones who can say for how long costs can stay on a downward trajectory. pv magazine ESS News sat down with Taipei-based InfoLink Consulting to hear their take on the market developments.
Jul 04, 2024

UL Solutions introduces new testing protocol for residential battery storage systems
The latest test method addresses the fire propagation behavior of a residential battery energy storage system if a thermal runaway propagation event leading to an internal fire were to occur during the system’s lifetime.

Australian government backs more than 420 community batteries
The Australian government has beefed up its commitment to community batteries to support the integration of renewable energy in the grid with more than 420 battery energy storage systems to be installed in neighbourhoods across the country as part of its Community Batteries for Household Solar program.

In Conversation: ‘Good time to be battery storage developer’
At Intersolar Europe 2024, ESS News spoke with George Hilton, research and analysis manager at S&P Global, about the state of play in the battery energy storage supply chain and falling prices. According to Hilton, the overcapacity at every level of the supply chain has led to prices that are no longer sustainable for many market players. Meanwhile, technological innovation has led to an unprecedented variety of battery storage technologies on offer, and for a great number of markets the right time to jump in is now.