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Cyprus introduces energy storage subsidy scheme
Cyprus’ Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry has launched a subsidy scheme for energy storage systems that can be added alongside existing renewable energy plants. Eligible renewable power plants should be remunerated either by feed-in tariffs (FiTs) or net billing systems.

A fork in the road for energy storage
Faster-than-expected price falls and global oversupply of batteries will go up against a rising tide of global protectionism this year. So how will it all shape up for the energy storage industry? Storage industry thought leader and UN adviser Marek Kubik considers the key issues.
Feb 10, 2025

All Tenders news

Brazil launches public consultation on battery capacity reserve auction
According to the draft of the auction rules published by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the procurement exercise will be held in June 2025 for systems with a power output of at least 30 MW that can store energy for at least four hours a day. The draft says that the contracts will cover a period of 10 years, with operation starting in July 2029.