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A fork in the road for energy storage
Faster-than-expected price falls and global oversupply of batteries will go up against a rising tide of global protectionism this year. So how will it all shape up for the energy storage industry? Storage industry thought leader and UN adviser Marek Kubik considers the key issues.
Feb 10, 2025

Battery energy storage system decommissioning and end-of-life planning starts now
With a disposition plan in place, and leveraging practical knowledge and experience, Brian Davenport, vice president for energy at Industrial Process Design (IPD), and Steve Feinberg, president at Bluewater Battery Logistics, break down the process into five key steps.

California vs. Texas: A comparison of battery energy storage market participation
California and Texas stand out as national leaders in existing and planned battery energy storage system (BESS) capacity. While both states share the goal of integrating renewable energy and stabilizing their grids, their networks have utilized BESS in distinct ways, reflecting their different market structures. This article describes some key differences between the electricity independent system operators (ISOs) that impact how battery owners operate and dispatch their BESS.

The shift to advanced battery technologies for a sustainable future
With the growing integration of renewable energy solutions in power grids, the demand for efficient energy storage solutions is only set to grow. Taking cognizance of the advancements in battery technology, India today stands at the cusp of a major revolution.
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The significance of state-of-charge
Everoze Partner Nithin Rajavelu considers the crucial importance of properly measuring and managing battery state-of-charge (SoC) for the efficiency, longevity, and safety of battery energy storage system (BESS) projects, especially in lithium ferro-phosphate (LFP) devices, which are widely used for large-scale storage.
Sep 25, 2024

Global energy storage market: H1 2024 installation figures
Policy mandates in China have driven the global energy storage market in the first half of 2024 to new highs, backed by the rapid growth in the US market. Meanwhile, Europe posted mixed results. Robin Song, InfoLink Consulting’s energy storage analyst, breaks down the figures.

Battery storage for Germany’s energy transition: Unlocking untapped potential
Germany's energy transition is making significant progress: In the first half of 2024, the share of renewable energy in the electricity mix rose to 57 %. This new influx of renewable energy is pushing the power grid to its limits. Battery energy storage systems and an optimized redispatch procedure could play a key role in improving the integration of renewables and alleviating grid congestion. However, some hurdles still need to be overcome, according to Benedikt Deuchert of Kyon Energy.

Global battery market glut: Will oversupply benefit India’s 1 GW/4 GWh ESS tender process?
Oversupply in the global battery market is likely to influence the price discovery of a major tender process in India for 2 GW solar with 1 GW/4 GWh ESS, writes Ali Imran Naqvi, executive director (ED), Gensol Engineering Ltd.

Battery storage on a capacity market
In Germany – but not only there – there is a heated debate about the pros and cons of a capacity market. The German Renewable Energy Association is against it, and recently the German New Energy Industry Association, the DIHK and the EEX energy exchange have also taken a clear stance: Germany does not need a “power plant subsidy program.” In this article, four experts explain why battery storage can also play an important role in a capacity market and make recommendations on how the design of the market can help avoid mismanagement, wrong incentives and unnecessary costs.